Festival Alcine Madrid, Spain
Festival Global Online, Argentina
Lola and Alfonso, a couple in a long lasting relationship are about to break up. Alfonso wanted to end it a long time ago but Lola doesn´t want to admit and accept it. Truth hurts so much that Lola escapes through her imagination creating for herself an imaginary, perfect boyfriend. But she looses control and her made-up world is so strong that she can´t distinguish real life from fiction. Lola gets trapped between two worlds.
Script: Kathrin Frank
Executive producer: Maren Schmitt
Assistant director: Adrián Castro Baeza
Director of photography: José Luis Cortés González
Camera: Ivan de Lara
Light: José Luis Cortés González, Andrés Bustamante, Jesus Rivera
Direct Sound: Renato Alvarado Plaza, Fernando Gallucci
Direction of actors: Viktoria Almeida
Art Director: Elena Gutierrez, Adriana Ramirez
Cut: Flavio Alguilera
Sound Design: Ruido Rosa Sonido Independiente
Color Correction: Elena Gutierrez
Lola Lagos
Alfonso Barón